After receiving a merit award at the 2014 International Biscuit Fest Art Show, I was asked to create up to 20 pieces of biscuit-related art for solo show during the 2015 festival. These 14 pieces were on display in Bliss Home on Market Square during the month of May. "What They Wouldn't Have Given for a Southern Biscuit" (the piece that afforded me this unique opportunity) has sold, but the remaining works are available for purchase! Grab a view of Knoxville's Old City, a recipe with full color illustrations, a real [giant] biscuit turned relief map, a disambiguation page for those confusing conversations with dog lovers or Brits or woodworkers, a self-portrait of the artist (nee Holder), an ad for a truly amazing rising agent, a page from an old dictionary (with none of this photocopied "art" you see these days) for the book lover, a map of downtown Knoxville, a working clock to remind you it's always time for a biscuit, a drawer full of menu ideas, a tribute to the age of exploration, or a photo realistic painting currently hanging on my own dining room wall. Prices on request.
Write a comment
Sandee Bailey (Thursday, 01 December 2016 17:07)
I love you biscuit art! I saw it on display at Bliss Home last year! I will try to check in to read your blogs as often as possible.